Have you ever wondered how the Cabo Verde archipelago formed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?

The archipelago consist of 10 islands (white letters), several islets, and submarine volcanoes called “seamounts” (yellow letters).
The eastern islands are older, show a low relief, and no signs of active volcanism. The western islands are younger, show a higher relief/topography and are volcanically and seismically active. The areas that are volcanically and seismically active are marked with red stars.
Ma = Millions of years.
How does a volcano grow?
Volcanoes grow both from inside and outside. From inside by magmatic intrusions and dykes, from outside by lava flows and pyroclastic material!
Both processes you can seen on the islands. The posters show you where on São Vicente you can see it best and how they look like.

Did you know?
of the world’s population world wide are estimated to live within 100 km of a volcano. The soil is very rich and fertile. This is why people live close to or even on the slopes of active volcanoes.
years on average Fogo in the Cabo Verde archipelago erupts. This makes it the most active volcano in the Atlantic Ocean.
volcanoes are erupting approximatly in this moment.
The information was assembled by participants of the HOSST-TOSST Summer School on Cabo Verde 2018
Map and sketch: Lisa Samrock (HOSST), Eliezer Mendes (Uni CV), Subhadeep Rakshit (TOSST)